Reflections Artists: Arne Malmedal Creation date: 1969 Object type: Print Not on display Artists/producers Arne Malmedal Visual artist Born 09.01.1937, death 04.10.2018 Work info Creation date: 1969 Other titles: Reflekser (NOR) Object type: Print Materials and techniques: Akvatint og skrapeteknikk på papir Material: Paper Dimensions: Width: 1012 mm Height: 318 mm Edition: 2/2 Keywords: Visual art Classification: 532 - Bildende kunst Inventory no.: MS-04715-2003 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Kjøpt 2003 Owner and collection: Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, The Fine Art Collections Photo: Morten Thorkildsen/Nasjonalmuseet Copyright: © Malmedal, Arne/BONO Related works Arne Malmedal Print 1969 Skyer II Speiling, fjordsiden Uten tittel Skyer Untitled Uten tittel Uten tittel (VII, gul)) Vestland Uten tittel Maleri uten tittel II Uten tittel Untitled - Cobalt Blue