Flower vaseAsylum Series title Artists: Dag Alveng Creation date: 1986/1994 Object type: Photograph On display: Artists/producers Dag Alveng Visual artist, Photographer Born 1953 Work info Creation date: 1986/1994 Other titles: Blomstervase (NOR) Object type: Photograph Materials and techniques: sølvgelatin Material: Baryttpapir Edition: 3/5 Keywords: Visual art Classification: 532 - Bildende kunst Inventory no.: MS-03679-1994 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Kjøpt 1994 Owner and collection: Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, The Fine Art Collections Photo: Dag Alveng/Thorkildsen, Morten Copyright: © Alveng, Dag/BONO Other: Show more Marks on the wall after a chair Braces Clothes hanger Active Bathtub Strap chair Related works Dag Alveng Photograph 1986/1994 Food plate Oscar og Maureen II Oscar og Maureen I Brent Erotisk landskap On the Beach Mann med trebein 1-6 Ramme, sag Vanne vann Kubbe Three Faces. Ca 1992 Clothes hanger