Museum photographers

The photography section carries out a wide variety of tasks related to photography, with an emphasis on photographing works of art in the collections, documenting the museum’s various activities, and organizing events and exhibitions.
The photography section is also in charge of media and promotional pictures as well as pictures used for publications, websites, and social media.
Using ultraviolet light and sidelight, the section also carries out technical/scientific photography in connection with research and conservation work. In addition, we engage in an extensive production of video, time-lapse, and 360° photography. The photography section is responsible for the museum’s photo agency and its analogue and digital photo archive, and we also scan, digitally edit, and archive photographs and process internal and external requests. The work is carried out with a high degree of quality and precise colour management using cutting-edge technology and the best high-end photography equipment available on the market.
We work actively to make the museum’s collections and photograph archive digitally available to the public through the museum’s online collection and DigitaltMuseum.