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Et bildeutvalg av ulike motehus innen Haute Couture. Samling: Diktats. Eier: Antoine Bucher and Nicolas Montagne
Utvalgt litteratur i biblioteket
19. oktober 2024–23. mars 2025
Bøker, kataloger og artikler
- Ahmed, Sara. Queer phenomenology : orientations, objects, others. Durham, N.C: Duke University Press, 2006.
- Auslander, Philip. Liveness: Performance in mediatized culture. London: Routledge, 2008.
- Clark, Judith. «A note: getting the invitation”. Fashion Theory. Vol. 5, Issue 3(2002): 343-354.
- Cvetkovich, Ann. “In the archive of lesbian feelings”. An archive of feelings: trauma, sexuality and lesbian public cultures. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2003: S. 239-271.
- Då moten kom... : frå vadmål til mikrofiber (utstilling). Hå Hå Gamle Prestegard, 1998.
- Evans, Caroline. The mechanical smile: Modernism and the first fashion shows in France and America, 1900-1929. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013.
- Gundtoft, Dorothea. Fashion Scandinavia : contemporary cool. London: Thames & Hudson, 2013.
- Iskin, Ruth, and Britany Salsbury(eds.). Collecting prints, posters and ephemera: perspectives in a global world of contextualizing art markets. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2021.
- Kjellberg, Anne. Dronning Maud : et liv - en motehistorie. Oslo: Grøndahl Dreyer, 1995.
- Kjellberg, Anne. Mote : trender & designere Oslo 1900-2000. Oslo: Huitfeldt forl, 2000.
- Kyoto Costume Institute. Fashion: a history from the 18th to the 20th century: the Collection from the Kyoto Costume Institute : Volume 2 : 20th century. Köln: Taschen, 2006.
- Laver, James. Costume and fashion : a concise history. 5th ed. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012.
- Motefotografi : tradisjon og nyskapning. Horten: Preus museum, 2012.
- Palais Galliera. Le dessin sous toutes ses coutures: croquis, illustrations, modèles, 1760-1994 : Palais Galliera, Musée de la Mode et du Costume, 27 avril - 13 août 1995. Paris: Paris-Musées, 1995.
- Pecorari, Marco. Fashion remains: rethinking ephemera in the archive. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2021.
- Rickards, Maurice, and Michael Twyman. The encyclopedia of ephemera: a guide to the fragmentary documents of everyday life for the collector, curator, and historian. London: The British Library, 2000.
- Said, Edward W. Orientalismen: vestlige oppfatninger av Orienten. Oslo: Cappelen Damm, 2018.
- Troy, Nancy J. Couture culture: a study in modern art and fashion. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2003.
- Young, Timothy G. “Evidence: toward a library definition of ephemera”. RBM: a journal of rare books, manuscripts and cultural heritage. Vol. 4, no. 1 (2003): 11-26.
- Rawsthorn, Alice. Yves Saint-Laurent : a biography. London: Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, 1996.
- Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco. Yves Saint Laurent : Style, style, style. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2008.
- Per Spook : norsk motedesigner i Paris = Norwegian fashion designer in Paris. Oslo: Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, 2006.
- Spook, Per, Diane Oatley, Anne Elligers, and Eirin Forsberg. Haute couture 1977-1995. Oslo: Panta, 2019.
Fashion theory : the journal of dress, body & culture, 1997-
L’Officiel de la Couture et de la Mode de Paris, 2005-2019